EU Just Transition Fund
Funding and Support
Tóchar Wetlands Restoration Scheme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the EU Just Transition Fund Programme 2021-2027.
Details of EU funding through the Just Transition Fund
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is the implementing beneficiary for the EU Just Transition Fund, implementing action 2.1 of Ireland’s Just Transition Programme which is to to support the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded peatlands to enable the transition towards climate-neutrality while also facilitating the diversification and modernisation of the economy of the Territory.
National Parks and Wildlife Service – Just Transition Fund
The Eastern and Midlands Regional Authority is the Managing Authority in Ireland for the EU Just Transition Funds.
EU Just Transition Fund Programme 2021-27
Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (Managing Authority),
3rd Floor North, Ballymun Civic Centre
Main Street, Ballymun
Dublin 9